Breakthrough Productions Blog

The basics of tradeshow and event marketing

Posted by Tim David on Jun 21, 2024 2:31:00 PM

What is exhibit marketing?

Glad you asked!

Exhibit marketing is all about marketing your products and/or services to different buyers at expos, conferences, and, of course, trade shows. We consider a successful exhibit one that brings increased revenue, more referrals, and industry networking opportunities, while also leaving a lasting impression on your prospects/consumers.

Even though increasing revenue is one of the main goals of exhibit marketing, there’s more to it than just selling a product from a booth space. Exhibit marketing is also about bringing people and companies together to promote their accomplishments, share knowledge, and build professional relationships and deliver IMPACT.

Exhibit marketing also allows you to keep your company at the top of its game!

“But how?”

Another great question. Exhibit marketing allows people and businesses in the same industry to all be in the same place at the same time. So that means that you get to check out the competition, as well as network with them. This spark of competition will help you and your team come up with new ways to get ahead of and set yourself apart from your competition.

Are there different types of exhibit marketing?

There are three main types of exhibit marketing that most businesses can find themselves benefitting from. These types of exhibit marketing are:

  • Retail: This type typically focuses of selling products and closing deals directly at the booth. So, if your main goal is to push and sell products, retail shows are for you!
  • Business-to-Business: These shows focus on forging new relationships that are cemented after the show. B2B shows are the best for growing your network and learning more about your industry.
  • Event Marketing: This type aims more towards delivering a specific message or creating brand awareness. Event marketing is perfect for anyone looking to introduce or re-introduce their brand to consumers and clients.

Where can I learn all the ins and outs of exhibit marketing?

These days, there’s trade shows for trade shows! At these trade shows professionals can teach you the best way to utilize exhibit marketing for your specific company or brand.

The best part about these trade shows are the certifications. There are classes and seminars taught by trade show industry professionals available to take where you can earn trade show certifications. The curriculum aims to cover all aspects of exhibit marketing so you can leave feeling confident in your new trade show knowledge and skill set.

But, if you absolutely can’t wait to learn more about the trade show industry, there are so many online resources and exhibit marketing books to help you develop an effective marketing strategy for your company.

But is investing in a trade show really worth it for my business?

That all depends on you! Trade shows and exhibit marketing can be a great investment with a lot of perks that come with it, as we’ve mentioned. In our experience, we’ve seen that business that really go the extra mile with their exhibits and booths are the ones that see more positive results.

Having an exhibit or booth that stands out is always a big help when looking at return on investments (ROI) but other tips to help meet your exhibit goals include:

  • Ask yourself, “What is my ideal end result from being in a trade show?”
  • Creating a well-defined budget and comparing it against actual expenses.
  • Research the show before committing to it. Make sure that it’s the type of show that will help you meet your specific goals and end results.

I’m convinced… what is my next step?

If you decide that a marketing exhibit or a trade show is a route that you want to take, you know when and where your event is, and you’ve got a general idea of what your goal is for the booth or exhibit, you can give us a call here at Breakthrough Productions! We’ll guide you through the design process. Once the design is finalized, we’ll get building!

At Breakthrough, we’ve designed and built many successful trade show booths and marketing exhibits across the country. We offer competitive rates as well as top-notch craftsmanship. Our knowledge of the event and tradeshow industry can help set your booth apart from others!

Tags: Tradeshow, Experiential, Event Planning, Experiential Marketing, Scenery, Event Production, Fabrication