Breakthrough Productions Blog

Navigating the Skyways of Commerce: Creating a Pop-Up Store in an Airport

Posted by Tim David on Jun 18, 2024 8:00:00 AM
Tim David


  1. Brand Identity: Reflecting the Heart of Your Business

Designing a pop-up store in an airport concourse offers a unique opportunity for any brand to showcase its identity in a bustling, diverse environment. This space should be a reflection of the company's ethos, whether it's cutting-edge technology, luxury fashion, or gourmet food. The design needs to be visually striking, making use of company colors, logos, and themes that resonate with the brand’s story. It’s about creating an instant connection with travelers, drawing them into a world that represents what the company stands for.

The key here is to use the limited space to make a bold statement. Whether it’s through digital displays, innovative product layouts, or interactive installations, the goal is to create a memorable experience that lingers in the customer's mind long after they've left the airport. This isn’t just about showcasing products or services; it’s about creating a mini-embassy for the brand, one that communicates its values and vision in an engaging, dynamic way.

  1. Space Utilization: Mastering the Art of Compact Design

Airports are high-traffic areas with space at a premium. The challenge for any pop-up store here is to balance aesthetic appeal with functional design. The key is to create an open, inviting space that allows for easy customer flow, even in the most compact areas. Every inch of the store should be strategically planned to maximize visibility and accessibility of products or services. This might involve modular furniture that can be easily rearranged or collapsible displays that can adapt to different spaces and needs.

Effective space utilization also means thinking vertically – using walls and hanging displays to draw the eye upwards and make the most of the available area. The layout should be intuitive, guiding visitors naturally through the store, from the entrance to the checkout. Lighting plays a crucial role too, used not just to illuminate but to create zones and highlight key products or information.

  1. Interactive Elements: Engaging the Global Traveler

In an airport, where people from all corners of the world converge, interactive elements in a pop-up store can significantly enhance the customer experience. This could range from digital kiosks providing information in multiple languages, to virtual reality experiences that transport users to different settings. Interactive elements are not just tools for engagement; they are bridges that connect your brand with a diverse, international audience.

Interactive technology can also be used to showcase the uniqueness of a product or service. For instance, a food brand might use touch screens for customers to scroll through recipes or a fashion retailer could offer virtual fitting rooms. These elements should be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring that even the most weary traveler can engage with them effortlessly. The goal is to create an interactive journey that is both informative and entertaining, making the pop-up store a destination in its own right within the airport.

  1. Product Display: Showcasing Your Offerings

The heart of any pop-up store is its product display. This is where design meets functionality, presenting your products in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and accessible. The display should be organized in a manner that tells a story, guiding the customer through your range of products or services. For luxury brands, this might mean creating an exclusive, boutique-like feel; for technology companies, a futuristic, innovative vibe could be more appropriate.

Central to this is the use of lighting and signage. Spotlights can draw attention to new or featured products, while clear, concise signage helps in navigating the range offered. Interactive elements like QR codes or NFC tags can provide more in-depth product information or even offer a way to purchase items directly from the display. The product display is where the tactile aspect of shopping comes alive; it’s an invitation to touch, feel, and experience what your brand has to offer.


  1. Staffing: The Human Touch in a Digital World

While digital elements play a crucial role in a pop-up store, the importance of human interaction cannot be overstated. Staff members are the ambassadors of your brand; they bring the human touch to the shopping experience. They should be well-trained not only in product knowledge but also in customer service, able to engage with a diverse international audience. Their role is to enhance the customer experience, providing personalized recommendations and assistance.

The staff should embody the brand’s values and ethos, offering a friendly and approachable presence in the often impersonal setting of an airport. Whether it's helping a customer make a selection, offering a product demonstration, or simply providing directions, their contribution is invaluable in creating a positive, memorable experience for the traveler.

  1. Promotional Material: Extending the Brand Experience

In the limited space of a pop-up store, promotional materials play a key role in extending the brand experience beyond the physical boundaries of the shop. This could include take-away brochures, sample products, or branded merchandise. Digital content, such as interactive screens showing adverts or social media feeds can also add to the dynamic environment of the store.

These materials serve multiple purposes: they provide additional information about the products or services, they can be used to communicate special offers or events, and they offer a tangible reminder of the brand long after the customer has left the airport. The design of these materials should be consistent with the overall brand identity, reinforcing the message and values of the company.

  1. Seating Area: An Oasis in a Busy Transit Hub

If space permits, a small seating area can significantly enhance the customer experience in a pop-up store. This is particularly important in an airport setting, where travelers often seek a moment of respite from their journey. A comfortable seating area can provide a welcoming space for customers to relax, sample products, or engage with interactive elements at their own pace.

The design of the seating area should reflect the overall theme of the store, offering a coherent visual and experiential journey. It should be inviting and comfortable, a little oasis in the midst of the bustling airport environment. For food and beverage brands, this could also be an opportunity to offer tasting sessions, while technology brands might use the space for product demonstrations.

  1. Cultural Sensitivity: A Worldly Approach

Airports are melting pots of cultures, making cultural sensitivity a crucial aspect of designing a pop-up store. The store should be accessible and appealing to a global audience, with signage and information available in multiple languages. The design, products, and interactive elements should all be considerate of different cultural norms and sensitivities.

This extends to the staff as well, who should be trained in cultural awareness, able to engage respectfully and effectively with people from various backgrounds. A culturally sensitive approach not only enhances the customer experience but also reinforces the global appeal of the brand.

  1. Sustainability: A Commitment to the Future

Incorporating sustainable practices in the design and operation of a pop-up store reflects a commitment to the future. This could involve the use of eco-friendly materials in the store build, energy-efficient lighting, or a recycling program for promotional materials. For brands with a focus on sustainability, this is an opportunity to walk the talk, showcasing their commitment through tangible actions.

Sustainability in a pop-up store also sends a powerful message to the consumer. It demonstrates a brand’s responsibility towards the environment and its willingness to invest in sustainable practices. This aspect of the store design can resonate particularly well with a modern, environmentally conscious audience.


  1. Easy Assembly and Disassembly: Flexibility in a Transient Space

The transient nature of airport spaces requires pop-up stores to be designed for quick assembly and disassembly. This not only minimizes disruption in a busy concourse but also allows for flexibility in the store’s design and location. The use of modular components, lightweight materials, and innovative construction techniques can facilitate this process.

The ability to quickly set up and take down a store also offers the flexibility to respond to different opportunities and events within the airport. This agility can be a significant advantage in the dynamic, ever-changing environment of airport retail.


In conclusion, designing a pop-up store in an airport concourse is a multifaceted endeavor that combines brand representation, functional design, and customer engagement. It’s about creating a unique experience that resonates with a diverse, global audience, offering a moment of discovery and delight in the midst of their travels.

Tags: Tradeshow, Experiential, Event Planning